
By fennerpearson


Days like this are a gift, especially if you like taking photographs: the gorgeous early morning, autumnal light and the cloudless sky.

En route from Manchester to Kirkby Lonsdale, I stopped to get a coffee at Forton services. There's a Costa inside - which is currently competing for the World's Slowest Service award - and a stall outside. I like the stall - there's usually someone friendly serving and the service is brisk - but that enjoyment is usually tempered by the weather.

Today, though, it was glorious and I popped back to the car for my camera to take a shot of this tower, The Pennine Tower. It contains a restaurant but, for health and safety reasons, hasn't been in use since 1989 (according to Wikipedia*).

As you can see, there's a princess trapped in the tower; she's visible in the middle window. And 'Health and Safety' is the name of the modern day spell that prevents anyone from going to rescue her!

*I love Wikipedia. I bet the Encyclopaedia Britannica doesn't have an entry for Forton Services.)

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