A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


End of a long day. Though I shouldn't say that as the pedant in me is bothered when other people do; they're all the same length. I'll try again...end of a day that feels longer than some other days feel. I fear I may have lost some of the meaning.

Today in short: usual morning prepping and journeying kids to school, run home via the river, shop for bread so there will be sandwiches tomorrow, call to get advice on school situation, feel overwhelmed and spend half hour doing research, train to Oxford, meeting, train back, tube to City and mentoring training session. Excellent and interesting but has tipped me into brain deadness. And now on tube home and confused how I still have signal. I guess not for long so I shall leave this here and return to my hilarious book, The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.

On reflection, I should probably revise my earlier statement in case it gives the impression long is bad; it has left me brain tired but the richness, variety and level of mental engagement and social interaction in my day combined with opportunities for quiet reading time on two train journeys has made it very good.

The picture is simply where I was when I realised I didn't have a blip and I liked the lighting effect and that someone had bothered to think about it and do it.

Lesley x

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