Ying Meridian

Having acupuncture on my neck and whilst it was impossible to take a snap of the ones actually in my neck this was one they put in my hand. My Physio told me that whilst 99% of the acupuncture they perform is based upon Western idea 's in that the placement of the needles is all decided on our knowledge of anatomy (from the study and dissection of corpses) they still pay homage to the Chinese way based around Ying and Yang and the flow of energy and hence the one in my hand.

Just goes to show that even with all our great western medical minds they are still that little bit unsure that maybe the Chinese way is not the right way after all.

Either way and possibly naively I like the idea of positive and negative body energies so I will work upon the Chinese principle. Somethings just cannot be explained away with science.

P.S I almost forgot not to rest my head back during this which I presume might have smarted a bit had I done so.

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