Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Dominant women!

Top dog no never, it's always top bitch, you may think your boys the head but the girls will always just get that bit higher, Roo has never really been a dominant dog but I often wonder if he's like the lion and his pride he sits and watches and very occasionally will have his say.

Bean is sitting on the top of the chair this is to get the highest point although she isn't a dominant girl in fact she's very low in the pack , she's trying to foul Roo.

On the photo below she is showing her respect to a very dominant MiMi,she is such a bossy little dog, the licking of the head is what wolves do when their leader returns to its pack.

I love to learn all about dog psychology and its fascinating having your own pack.

But I got news for you lot I'm the real leader of the pack.

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