Captain Bird's Eye

I've been to the supermarket and the gym this morning, both of which are at the Marina, so I had a walk with my camera before I went to zumba, to see what I could find to blip. I saw the Cormorant again and took a few photos of him, but then I spotted these two Gulls near the boats. I like how they're both looking in the same direction and have got their beady eyes on something! It's amazing how long it takes them to grow up and get their white feathers, but the one in front is obviously slightly older as his colour is changing.

I'm at home for the rest of the day as we're heading 'up North' tomorrow for a long weekend visiting family and friends, so I've got to get everything ready and do the packing. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, and it's so much easier now that we don't have to pre-book trains or planes to get there!

Anyway, I'll go and get some lunch and then I'd better crack on - catch up with you later!

Thanks for putting Robin Red Breast on the spotlight yesterday, he's still there!

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