Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Downtown Hood River

My hopes for some sun today were not realized. It was overcast and rainy all day, with the clouds hanging low. This was especially the case in the Gorge. I was hoping that the clouds would be high enough so that I could see the shoreline on both sides. But this was not to be today. After a dreary day, I drove to Hood River and took some shots of the downtown area.

It has been incredibly busy the last few days. Tomorrow, I will be heading back to Portland to meet with our attorneys. Then, I hope to fly back to Denver to be with my husband and pups again. But that will depend upon my meeting tomorrow and the client's decision whether to proceed with this acquisition or not.

Thank you again for all of your comments, stars and favs for this Oregon series. I hope to get caught up on commenting about your photos soon.

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