
By orangehatkid

Remember, Remember

...The fifth of November. Gotta love V for Vendetta. Today was a not so bad day, I feel I did really well on my test but the down side is I'm feeling a little worse today very achey and fatigued, been pounding down vitamin c like it's my job but doesn't seem to be quite enough. hopefully it doesn't last too much longer, and if you want to take care of me feel free I'll take anybody :p Marshall Mathers LP2 came out today but sadly my package won't arrive for another couple days so you will have to wait on a song of the day from that album till then but I'm really excited for it. more work keeps piling up but it's a little more manageable this time. id also like to give a shoutout to Paul Hilton for saving my geog grade a couple points, what a dude. With today's pic I figured you guys were probably getting a little sick of my night pics so here is a view from campus looking on to the near by mountains, they look beautiful this time of year and I wish they could be that color all the time, but alas all good things must come to an end I suppose.

Song of the Day: Temperature by Sean Paul on the album The Trinity
Fun Fact: This song always makes me think of my friend Spence, he has this on a CD in his car with a playlist filled with pump up songs and this and sometimes it just gets stuck in my head no matter how bad it is haha

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