
By dunkyc


Couldn't think of a decent title, so just adopted a "say what you see" approach.

The Carmenator was with us this evening and talking about the Kendal Castle fireworks, which to be honest, I thought I had already missed.

Fortunately, as ever I turned out to be wrong. So we quickly wolfed down our apple pie and custard and headed out to a packed Castle Grove.

I wrapped my gorilla pod clad canon round the nearest fence post and using the shutter release fired away blindly. A lot of the photos were blurry and badly timed, but blow me some of them only came out the way I wanted!!

I started to tinker post-shot, but decided against it and so this is presented to you direct from the camera!

There's a couple of others to be found here too.

Hope you all had a cracking night!

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