#Lovember the 5th

All you need is ....
Ba ba ba ba ba baaaa
All you need is ....
Ba ba ba ba ba baaaa

All you need is .... ....
.... is all you need

Gemma also made a remarkable sparkler penis but I think this is marginally better.

I don't love big shooty, screamy fireworks. They make me feel rather uncomfortable if I'm honest. I find them decadent, noisy and rather insulting to those who can't afford to eat, let alone shoot loads of money into the air in only a few seconds. I also see the negative affect they have on animals - and "those of a nervous disposition" so, I'm not a fan. But I try to tolerate them for the kids.

Sparklers though. Now you're talking.

I love my family. Without them I would feel pointless. They are my first love.

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