
By Indy653

The bed hopper

“...Fireworks had for her a direct and magical appeal. Their attraction was more complex than that of any other form of art. They had pattern and sequence, colour and sound, brilliance and mobility; they had suspense, surprise, and a faint hint of danger; above all, they had the supreme quality of transience, which puts the keenest edge on beauty and makes it touch some spring in the heart which more enduring excellences cannot reach.”
― Jan Struther, Mrs. Miniver

I love fireworks. When we collected Finn from nursery at about 4.40 p.m. all the kids were outside round a little bonfire, with helpers dispensing sparklers. It looked lovely but he came away quite happily and was delighted to find Fletcher waiting for him in the car. Although Fletcher was initially excited to be reunited with Finn, I'm sure he got a bit fed up with being chased out his bed! Never mind, peace reigns now, Finn is out for the count.

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