Someone to watch over me...........

Isn't it reassuring that there are superheroes taking care of us?

Interesting day full of surprises. The first was that when I arrived at Victoria we pulled in next to a freight diesel named "Harry Beck" and painted as a tube map. Harry's work is lovely so it's good that there is now an engine which carries not only his name but his iconic design. There was to be a ceremony to name the diesel at the other end of the train but time didn't allow me to hang around and watch.

Lovely time at the London office chatting with colleagues and then out for some blippage to satisfy the hungry maw that is the Bliposphere. I was very surprised to see a heron in amongst the pedestrians on the canal bank; they are usually very shy, and then I spotted our friend here watching over the assembled throngs on Camden High Street.

Back at Victoria Harry Beck was still there and as my train was on the next platform I grabbed some shots which I'll post to Flickr. Shortly after Bromley Sarf we had an announcement that a train up ahead had hit a tree on the line and all power was off. As our train was an EMU ("electric multiple unit" for anyone at the back who doesn't know this stuff) the lack of power would put a crimp on the trip. The resourceful driver decided that he'd get to Ashford via Paddock Wood and that's where many of us detrained in order to get to Maidstone. A thirty minute wait which was made easier by wearing my OU scarf and flat cap - I was nice and toasty - and then the other end of the line that I recently described as visiting stations that Beeching missed. It's a lovely journey but the purpose of most of the stations has now evaporated; the industry has closed or the agriculture has gone. Paddock Wood itself was the centre of the mid-Kent hop gardens but they've all disappeared during the time I've lived in the area. Beltring served the Whitbread hop farm but that is no longer a large employer and visitors are not numerous at this time of year and most who do go there do so by car. The Astra Zenica factory next to Yalding station has long been demolished and so it goes on. On the upside - I went across many of the level-crossings at which I'm often delayed so that was cool.

Finally arrived at one of the Maidstone stations but not the one I'd left my car at so it was a hike across town to collect it.

Then to a shop to gain some provisions including decongestants to continue the battle against this cold and also, strangely, a lemon. I only usually buy lemons when the gin fairy is calling but as it's a school night I will be abstemious. I now own a lemon though and very happy I am about that too.

If you aren't familiar with the title of this blip I urge you to wallow in the Ella version of this Gershin and Gershin song. It's delicious.

Tuesday - the hidden gem of the week - has been lovely and we've still got the evening to go! I am having stir fried beef and then I'll plough on with the marking. I hope that you are having at least as much fun hombres!

PS - Miketoons blipped Harry Beck wonderfully!

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