
By mamasuzi

Not an otter

Not even two otters. Which is what I saw in the voe today, just off from my house. But I just didn't get a good enough shot of them - I need a bigger lens (stamps foot, juts lower lip).

Today, as you may gather, is a lovely day. Very much a case of silver linings, as I am working from home today because my car is in the garage getting its dodgy brakes seen to. I dropped it off this morning, flat calm, -2 degrees, absolutely georgous. As I walked back along the road it was so still I could hear the sheep munching the frosty grass. It felt good to be alive (and made up for the fact that the car still wasn't fixed, after over a week).

When I stopped for lunch, and looked out the window, I spotted the two otters - we often see ones, but especially at this time of year and in the spring. You really need a calm day to see them, the ripples give them away. I took some shots from the house, and then wandered down the field, but alas, they had left the jetty where they were sunning themselves, and were swimming farther from me as I got nearer the shore. I could see them quite clearly as they dived, popping up again like corks, and rolling on their backs to eat their catch. I will put a few on here, just in case you'd like a look, but otherwise I offer a lovely view through a ruined window.

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