Sorry Guys

We woke Sunday morning to find these two cold and unhappy friends in our live traps. You might recall that we had a problem of a Raccoon harassing and ultimately killing one of our baby bunnies. We have put a stop to it several ways. I have electrified the cage, so that anything touching the ground and the cage at the same time gets a pretty unpleasant jolt. We have also set out live traps. We quickly caught two raccoons and relocated them elsewhere to meet Sugar Bear's wishes. We have kept the traps loaded in case we hadn't caught the culprit. These two unhappy customers came by to sample the tasty treats. Then they had to sit out in the rain until we woke up and saw them out there.

I quickly released them......well, after I nabbed the shot of course. They were pretty happy to waddle away.

We spent the day in the house, out of the rain......and doing chores. Sugar got her room all cleaned up, and I did some cooking. The best part of the day was watching "The Princess Bride" movie together. It was a first time for Sugar. She enjoyed it very much. I've seen that movie several times. It is one of my favorites. I recently read the book. So good. Love the humor in it.

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