crafty dragons

By Samantha73

quick back story......

....... I'd started collecting the partworks back in '03, but stopped getting them when I was up to 41 issues (cant remember why now though ). Recently pulled them back out of the attic, and started searching online to see if I could get the remainder, needing 42 - 100 plus 24/25. Just by chance or luck, I found someone selling a partially built with all other issues still sealed, so grabbed them. They had built up to issue 38, so I was well chuffed. Now while I could have just continued where they left off, I really wanted it to be all my own work, so just needed to take it apart to get the 2 hull pieces for issues 24/25.

This is where todays fun started. In the process of getting said pieces off, I managed to break them both!!!! (just those 2 pieces, not any of the other bits I didn't need!!!) Needless to say this mornings work involved repairing before building. However I managed to salvage them without too much trouble and continued on with decking this evening. That is fiddly work! Setting each decking plank correctly so each section will line up right, leaving blank spaces where they will be joined and added later.

On the plus side, between modelling sessions (waiting for glue to dry, dealing with family life etc) I've almost finished knitting the front of jumper #1.

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