Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Lego Mini-figures

When I was a lad all lego faces looks the same.
All the trousers were unpatterned.
And I think the most adventures thing was an astronaut (of which I had lots: Red, Yellow and White + one blue one who has disappeared).

I have loaned C my old lego (emphasis on loaned, as it's a great bargaining tool when he won't share with JJ, I tell him I won't let him play with MY lego anymore).

Nowadays you get lego mini-figures in bags at the supermarket for between £1.50 - £2, and like the good old Panini (sp?) football sticker albums, you don't know what you've bought until you open the bag.

For those of you who have looked at my blip in the early dates, you will have seem the Santa blip, once we finally got one.

Today was an inset day, with C back to school tomorrow, so I took a big man-up breath, and set about tidying up his room.

Took out the things that were still in there from when it was the spare room, and tried to make it a bit more his room.

This also involved re-displayed his mini-figures similar to how they had been in his old room, before we shoved JJ in.

I know this is not all of his random bag mini-figures, but it is the bulk of them. I think about 50 in the photo.

He loves them, and loves having them on their stages.

Santa is still his favourite so he got to go on a chimney.

Back to work tomorrow, so not sure what sort of blip I'll be able to get.

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