You'll be up all night Jonty!

Just come back in out of the cold after clearing the tomato plants of all the green tomatoes, cutting off the plants and sticking them in the green bin, garden waste collection tomorrow (alternate weeks with the black bin). Also pulled a load of rhubarb and put the HUGE leaves in the green bin as well.

Went up to my bedroom to check out emails etc. and caught Jonty DRINKING MY COFFEE!!!!! I wish I'd thought to pick up my camera rather than shouting 'HOY, GET OFF'. It would have made a much better blip!
He's still licking his chops though and it wouldn't be so bad but it was a Hazelnut flavoured coffee.

(P.S. any aircraft type people might be interested to know what the paper is next to the cup of coffee. It's the AV Roe form 78 (revised 1952) showing the record of modifications made to XM569 during it's life from being handed to the RAF 04 Jan 1963 until her final flight to Cardiff Wales Air Museum 21 January 1983. 20 years service with the RAF, that's more than I did!).

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