
By cateycat

Mock trial

Probably one of the most nerve wracking experiences of my life and also one of the best.

I swore to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth however promptly lied under oath by joking with the judge that I was a forensic specialist in everything. After that I was harshly questioned by some annoying snobby Quine and a guy with a gorgeous voice. My hero the judge interrupted them and told them off for asking me inappropriate questions however so I totally won the round. Also my science was top notch. Drug tests certainly held my attention.

I also happened to see my long time nerd friend Gregor from a different school which was lovely and I thought he'd gone off the rails somewhat considering his drunken phone calls and promiscuous secret life but he was there and he won the competition for his team.

It was a great experience but frankly I'm just glad it's another extra curricular to cross off my list.

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