Lovember: Paul and his stuff

#Lovember: a whole month of things I love

Starting with Mr Tulip!

Him, his vinyls, his racing car obsession, his love hatred of my pooch, his stubbornness of never wanting to compromise... it all started with the chopper bike back in '70's if you ask me!

This is his new chair, he said he liked it when I showed him the pictures on Ebay but he was concerned he couldn't sit on it first....
Nah, Ebay doesn't work like that... its an original 1970's reclining chair complete with footstool in excellent condition, no bidders, with a low start price...
I'm buying it for you baby, if you don't like it I'll sell it on.. but my guess is you'll sit in it, put your headphones on and you'll learn to love it like you do with everything else that surrounds you. After all we can't afford the one you really want

It was delivered at 11:30am [When I took this photo] I went off to work and he was due in at 12:30... the phone call that followed didn't mention the chair at all????
I had to mention the 'elephant in the room'
Him: Oh yeah, I noticed... its comfortable... I'm sure I'll get use to it...
Me: ungrateful git!
Him: Ha!

I love him all the same...

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