the gift...

...of nature

bestowed upon me -

today - as i unexpectedly stumbled upon a damselfly - flitting about!

imagine my surprise - i would've thought they were all gone by now - as fall has clearly descended upon us - with cooler temps and falling leaves - but there it was - caught up in the reflective light of the sun - bouncing off the water's edge as it flew past me - i called to it - it landed briefly on a golden leaf - not long enough for me to get a good shot - off it went - a couple other times i beckoned to it - it landed, but went on quickly - due to other animals and a screeching child nearby - i thought my opportunity to capture it was gone - boo! i made my way around the little lake...

i was nearing the end of the loop - had stopped - looked up at a passing duck - when i noticed in the air, across the water, a glistening - it couldn't be, could it? we must always have hope, people - believe in those things bigger than ourselves - that they can happen - all things are possible - it is written thus -all things are possible with god. mark 10:27

for lo and behold - i swear to you - this little one came flying straight towards me - the damsel - it landed right on another leaf directly at my feet - glancing up at me - as though to say "here i am - take your best shot" - i bent down - camera in hand - whispering ever so softly - "you came back to me" - snap, snap - laughing, i took the shot before he quickly launched off again - back across the water - leaving me with a lightness to my step - feeling like i'd just had a chance encounter with nature - been given a gift - which rarely happens to the best of us - and oh, how that makes for...


happy day.....

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