Living in the Past
I think this blip archive thing has got to me. The past few days have been a blur of old photos and memories as I look for photos that:
1. I know the date of;
2. Will get by my in house blip censor (no children over the age of 1)
3. Won't compromise any friends who might not like youthful folly exposed.
Tough job.
Busy busy day ferrying kids about to clubs (mad crazy overlapping playdates not helping the situation). And photographing this fab old-style delivery van that lurks hereabouts.
And research on how to photograph gigs (thank you all for your wise advice yesterday). Now I going to ask just one more tiny bit of advice. For a wee treat, I'm thinking of hiring a lens I don't have to try it out. So, if there was a dream 'gig' lens - what would it be? 100mm (ish) fast prime? Fastest 70-200mm zoom I can get my hot little hands on? I can get close as you like to the bands (the stage is about 3 or 4 feet high (0.9 - 1.2m) and I'll be able to lean right on it. Would like to get some crowd shots too though (if anyone shows up!) Don't remember the lighting last time being particularly sophisticated - just white spots and some coloured lights at the back of the stage I think. (As a quick reminder I have 50mm f1.4 prime and 18-200 zoom - 3.5-5.6. If what I have is what you'd recommend, then all the better as that leaves more money for buying the band some beers to say thanks!)
(Must remember to check with the venue and bands that they won't mind me wandering about pretending I know what I'm doing....)
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