This is the way to do fireworks.. not have a single firework ( I loathe them)
2. Have sparklers and make the children do as they are told to make a blip for you and RUIN the fun...
3. Thank god you live in a tiny private road and you and the insane neighbours like to do similar stuff as in drag furniture out and the BBQ and also use the front of Mr W car as a table ..
We had table cloths and pretty candles ... The kids hared up and down on scooters and Lucy smashed her leg in and lost skin ... Grandson Jake joined in until he was so exhausted and cold he wept for his bed ...
I love my friends ( that does indeed include the insane neighbours)
We have decided to have the chimnea out the front and sit out in the winter cooking stuff over the BBQ and just basically look like some kind of ruffians ... No wonder No 5 can't sell their luxury dwelling ;)
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