Ban Chewing Gum

On my walk up to the shop for the paper this morning I came across this.

It is not next to a road so it hasn't been thrown from a car.
The lid is there so it hasn't blown there.
So somebody has carried it there.
It is well over a mile by foot to where it must have been bought.
It is about 20 yards from the nearest rubbish bin.

So that got the looking t o see just how much crap rubbish has been discarded.

Loads is the answer.

Unbelievably I saw a council worker out with long tongs and a rubbish bag but the only things he seemed to be picking up was fag ends - and that was between where he had parked the van and the shop where he seemed to be heading.
So the council is paying overtime to guys to clean the streets - just so long as they don't have to deviate from a straight line and the weight isn't more than a fag end (can't have them injuring themselves with the weight of a plastic bottle of polystyrene cap) - of course, he was in a full Hi-viz outfit from head to toe (after all - the pedestrian pavements are such a dangerous environment!).

But the worst mess is the chewing gum.

Not just near the shops (where it is much worse) - but all along my route.

It is disgusting.
It looks bad enough when people are constantly masticating (especially when serving in shops) - but when they just spit it out .....................
Or even worse - stick it under tables and chairs.

The stuff needs to be banned.

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