Poppy's Christening

What an amazing day!

Thank's to Lisa, Dave and Poppy for a fantastic day that we'll never forget!

It was an absolute priveledge to be invited to the Palace of Westminster for a beautiful service in the ornate underground Chapel of St. Mary of Undercroft. Poppy looked divine in her Christening gown. Lisa and Dave had asked Jade to read one of the Bidding Prayers and was a little star.

After the service we had a Pimms reception on the terraces of the Houses of Parliament before going on a tour of the Houses of Lords and Commons. Back to the terraces for more drinks and a hot buffet, the biggest party bags I've ever seen in my life for Jade and Archie, a lovely speach from Lisa, Champagne and Christening cake, favours for the adults (a silk bag filled with lovely things) and entertained by a lady singing songs from the West End shows. All the children played beautifully together and the babies were just perfect!

The back drop of the river, the bridge and the London eye was stunning, the sun shone all day and warmed up the evening, the lights lit up the amazing archetecture as the sun went down.... day's just don't get much better than this!

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