Blip Friends

Monty Moose took BlipBear and Kiwi to a blipmeet this afternoon at the home of good friends where they were the guests of honor. Well wishes were abundant and gifts were offered. Blipbear now has two wonderful new pins for his hat, and Kiwi is sporting a new fanny pack. There was a good deal of debate and speculation as to where Kiwi’s fanny was located, but with a little adjustment and a lot of encouragement, the fanny pack was fitted and Kiwi was very happy, especially since he has his eyes on a couple of trinkets and a place to put them was badly needed. Blipbear and Kiwi were delighted with the celebration and their new friends, Hannibal, Ling, Harlan, Bertram, Everett, Fenton, Olwyn, Abe, Zachariah, Scuffy, Morley, Marmalade, Larramore, Churchill, Winston, Mr. Bunny, Ehrfurt,, Baxter, Rainier, Elmer, Bogey, Ollie, Klondike and Mr. Bruno Bear. (Whew! – Lots of friends are nice!)

And a good time was had by all.

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