Another Funeral

Four of us (Uncle Steve, Aunt Lori, Lisa and I) drove 150 miles one-way attend a memorial service.

It was for the wife of one of Lisa's cousins.

55 years old. Mother of two. A hunter, and a fisherwoman. Vivacious, outgoing, spunky, pleasant, and pretty. Until...3 years ago...when brain cancer crept in. Both optimism and sadness followed, with the last 6 months being very hard...very tough.

She leaves a husband, and 2 young teenagers. So sad to see her go sad to see her die.

In happier times, she was always a great hostess for my wife's side family reunion, opening up her beautiful log home. In this BLIP ENTRY, she is the dynamo in pink...right in front of the tall guy in the cowboy hat. Her 2 children are in front of her.

May our sweet in peace.

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