Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Two Spoons

Eva is wanting to feed herself now. When Toby got to this stage I just got another spoon and he was happy to hold that whilst I ensured at least some of his food got into his mouth. This didn't work with Eva. She had to have both the spoons. When I got to three spoons I gave up!

Her cheeky little character is really starting to shine through- you can see the mischief by the glint in her eye. She's already learnt which buttons to press to wind Toby up. In the last few days she has learnt she can climb up on the sofa and is soooo very pleased about that. She knows how to use the tv remote and we frequently come in to an empty room to find she has turned the tv on. She's still doing her hilarious little bunny hopping on her knees to get around, with a huge smile on her face. She's just so adorable.

Today was frustrating as I didn't get to ride. I had planned to clip Lime but it was too wet so hopefully that will get done tomorrow. Instead I spent several hours clearing out my hay/feed/horse stuff store that I share with another lady at the stables. It took loads longer than expected, especially as she didn't seem to be in as much of a rush as me!

Then a trip to Go Outdoors for some new wellies and a new waterproof. Sick of being wet at work!! This involved me trying on every waterproof in the shop. I don't understand why they make women's outdoor clothing in such awful colours! (or boring black!). But at least I will be warm and dry at work next week.

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