The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

See the birdie!

not the most scintillating blip I will grant you, but the best I could manage today, as I took these pics late morning and I have been too busy since to try to get any more.
That said, I was VERY pleased to see this particular fungi in the grass with the other wax caps, as this little beauty is a Parrot wax cap Hygrocybe psittacina.
Parrot wax caps like other wax caps are quite small, greenish in colour, and slimy when young ( this is a young specimen) fading to yellowish often with a pinkish tinge as they mature although the green colouring persists at the stem apex even in old specimens.
It is listed as local but can be common in areas with plentiful unimproved acid or neutral grassland.
It is listed as edible, but taking no chances I wore my plastic gloves I always use when handling fungi.

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