Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Star gazing

Well, the iPhone isn't really good to take photos in the dark with… as seen here… But, that's the observatory with one of the telescopes.
I managed to take 15-20 photos á 30 seconds and then both sets of batteries were dead. But, the sky above me was just amazing!! I could see the Milky Way with my eyes and just stood there looking… I saw a star fall… and yes, I made a wish. ;)
I also saw two satellites flare, when the sun shone on there huge disks. I saw lots of small satellites move across the sky and stars and galaxies in one of the telescopes.
It was cold, though, and even if there is a small cabin to get warm in I was a bit cold. More clothes next time! And we got home rather early because the mist covered first the ground and then the sky.
A warm cup of tea, I think, and then of to bed.

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