
By Croft16

Smoke on the water?..

A nice, but breezy and chilly day, with rain starting around 4 o'clock.

C had a "Soup and a roll" do in the Anchorage to raise monies for the Highland Hospice. She does this every year, and it's a lunch for the bonfire builders. It is very well attended, and she raises around £1500 most years, including sales of Christmas cards and decorations..

In the afternoon there was the AGm for the Geopark. Only went along to make the numbers up, and was a bit put out because I was (nearly) elected as a Director. I'm doing enough in the village already, but it was more the way is was sprung on me at the meeting and without prior discussion, that annoyed me. John Finnie msp gave a speech, and I was quite impressed by him.

Tea, and then fireworks. The bonfire has been growing steadily over the last week, and would easily have fitted into the set of the Wicker man. Perhaps they should have got Edward Woodward to light it for us!! For a small village, the display is pretty good, lasting 20 minutes or so with a good range of fireworks. We normally attend, but as it was Tanni's first experience, and it was pouring down, we stayed in and watched it from the porch. Pics were taken through the front door, and the rain was lashing against it. I set the ISO to 5000, and exposure was 1/50 sec. Quite pleased with the results. The pier where the fireworks are lit is 850 meters away, and I used my marco 105 mm lens..

music, A and D play a game trying to guess my music, wonder if they got this one?..!!

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