
I started the day off with a nice 20 mile bike ride out to River Road (and the river). We saw a couple red tail hawks, an egret or two, a pumpkin patch, lots of orchards, poison oak, lizards, a snake, butter- and dragonflies, and other such awesomeness. We also discovered a little state park trail loop and explored that. Just as we got back into town, my back tire flatted out. I, of course, didn't have a spare tube on me and had to make an emergency run to the bike shop.

After a quick shower and change, I headed back into town for Marty's 80th birthday party. I saw several friend I haven't seen in years and some I saw last week. Everyone had a blast, including the twin four-year-olds who served as the unofficial stars of the party. We barbecued, made ice cream, and talked all afternoon. I got a chance to take lots of candid portaits.

A chapter or two and I'm going to bed early... too much excitement.

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