
By Mikey88


I had a last walk around the garden today, just to fix in my memory what it looks like, as the predicted winds sound like they might make a difference. With it being so warm, plants that I thought were finished have been flowering again.

This chrysanthemum has three blooms at the moment, and I caught this one just as it was visited by a late season fly. So, having left the garden with as little as possible that might blow around it is time to get ready for going to France.

We heard today that our ferry has been cancelled. We were supposed to be sailing at 8.30am on Monday morning from Poole - at the height of the forecast winds along the south coast! Sensibly, Brittania Ferries thought better of it.

So, after a couple of frantic phone calls, we managed to transfer the booking to the 6.30pm ferry on Monday from Portsmouth arriving in Ouistreham at 6am on Tuesday morning. This meant travelling from Poole to Portsmouth and paying an extra £50 to upgrade the cabin we had booked for the day, to an overnight one. Still, at least we were still going.

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