Lovember sea

Sea Electric

billowing brine
electric sky fearsome
looming foam formed
waves cerulean blue
all pea soup green
their flash licked troughs
colliding, cresting, swelling,
spilling salty spray unleashed

Last week at the painting studio I felt at a loss about what to paint, my square blank canvas just staring back. The Nora paintings have filled my easel for a year and a half and I needed something new. I messed about with a loose fall foliage piece and brought it home unmoved. Back it went yesterday and I piled on more paint and pushed it in and wiped it out. Just in time, my palette knife emerged and scraped it all away to pea soup green. Then out came turquoise, some cerulean blue with titanium white waves to save the piece and make me want to paint again.

The sea will always be something I love, so add it to my Lovember list

Red Sox Duck Boat rolling rally parade today and what a show it was on television this morning. Very emotional as the boats stopped at the site of the Marathon bombings for a tribute.

We have our Diversity Committee Boston Gay Men's Chorus event tonight. It was postponed last spring but is a hot ticket event tonight.

For the Record.
This day came in warm and lovely.

All hands are healthy

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