
A weekend of stunning scenery and today, a phone.

One of those days really, photography was not top of mind. I did use the aforementioned phone however on many occasions, one of them to try and figure out the programme for the coming weekends race, getting slightly nervous.

Looks like we'll leave at 5pm Friday, get down there 9.30/10pm'ish, sleep, get up and then throw ourselves down mountains, rivers, and then up them again. Mrs PS has declared I must get life insurance - never felt a need until now ...

Other news, I think I have decided to upgrade the new Canon 7D when it comes out and I have been fighting Adobe Lightroom all night, seems it doesn't want to import the several thousand (unsorted) photos from the last 2 weeks.

But then I probably don't want to sort them anyway. Maybe I should just delete them ...

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