Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

She's Got Those Crazy Eyes

After a horribly dreary, overcast day - the clouds suddenly opened up just before 4 PM and the sun decided to make a short appearance. I was trying to finish up some work when this happened and it became a mad dash to finish up so I could go outside (positive reinforcement for me!) ... I am like a little kid sometimes >:[ Since this week's pet photography theme is 'Ball' - I grabbed Corra's bag o' tennis balls and we headed outside. We were having a good shoot - though it is a balancing act, throwing balls to a very eager dog with my left hand (not my dominant hand ...) and holding my heavy camera/composing/focusing/clicking away with the other - all while I am also holding onto Loki and laying on my belly in a gully. Inevitably, one of the balls went astray and bounced passed me into the bottom of the gully - before I could even comprehend what was happening, Corra had zoomed at top speed after the ball, managed to get her leash exactly over my camera lens - smashing the camera into my glasses and then into my face. That did not feel good ... I have a bruised eyebrow this morning. But when it happened, I was more concerned about my camera than my face ... Pfftt, photographers.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend - not sure what we are doing just yet on Saturday, but Sunday we plan on finishing our living room/foyer - let's hope our neighbor doesn't murder us ;)

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