
By Brookeside

At gran and grandpas

This morning I woke up just as mum left. When I wake I normally shout "my mum" twice then if there's no answer I then shout dadda! Dad got me ready then we walked over to the shop. We got halfway back then I turned to dad and said up. When we got home we played for a while then gran and grandpa came to pick me up. We went to grans house and I took some of my toys with us including my scuttlebug. Grandpa kept kidding me on that he was going to have a go on it. I wasn't happy about that at all lol. I ate all my lunch and dinner then came home. Mum was in and we sat and watched night garden then I had a bath and we read giraffes can't dance. Well mum tried to read it and I just kept flipping to the last few pages and pointing to and saying moon!

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