The story so far...


Even stevens

Today was a much more motivated day in our house. We managed to get out the house on time to go to a playgroup for toddlers and their baby siblings (although all are welcome) with Amanda and William. Cam was on the whole very well behaved although tiredness took over at end and he was a grumpy so and so. We had a lovely fish and chip lunch and mummy, cam and Ollie spent a couple of hours chilling in Starbucks watch the buses and trucks go past resulting in cam being in his element whilst mummy got her caffeine fix.
We were invited to yani's house this afternoon. The boys play AMAZINGLY together and any rough and tumble is welcome with giggles as they are an even match for strength and build and age as are coincidently born on the same day. They had lots of fun chasing each other round and giving hugs wrestling on the bean bag.
Daddy is in charge of bedtime tonight as mummy is off out, haha, good luck daddy!

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