Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Call that a weather forecast?

A mild morning of sunshine with some cloud was promised. So off we went to the Pumpkin trail at Bolton Abbey.

It pi**ed it down. Proper torrential rain. No let up. I only got my camera out for about 15 seconds.

Sarah started to feel a bit unwell, then the dog started with an upset tummy. Suffice to say she left her own trail around the place! The picnic in a steamy car with a whimpering dog did not appeal.

To put the tin lid on it, the M62 was closed - thankfully the person who was about to jump off Scammonden Bridge did not do so, but they did manage to bring the whole of West Yorkshire to a standstill. 2 and a half hours to do a 50 minute trip, with a poorly dog in the back. I think my blood pressure was a little on the high side.

Got home to find 2 very annoying answer machine messages - some woman at Sage got an ear bashing from me, and then I had to speak to the DWP about my daughter's claim for Personal Independence Payment. She has to make to claim herself as she is coming up 16, but as she is not capable I have applied to be allowed to apply on her behalf. This will require an assessment! Bloody Hell. We have to have a home visit - they advised me they can only give an all day appointment and when I said Sarah is in Year 11 at school they said "you'll have to keep her off school for a day." Seriously!!!!! I was Lucy Lost It on the phone and so now they are going to see if - exceptionally - they can arrange an after-school appointment. This is NOT the assessment for the payment, it's an assessment to see if she's capable of making the claim! No wonder people give up, the process is demeaning, very negative and you have to have unbelievable tenacity.

Lizzie has been to the vet and is basically fine, just needs some outrageously expensive bland food for a few days.

Now I am off to collect my boy and when I get home there will be wine.

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