Blahhhh blahhhh trick or treat ..
Just give me the sweets ...
I lay in bed until 10.30 reading this morning ...then I sprang into action and got ready to await the arrival of Tits McGee for our dog walk at the racecourse ... The races were on so we had an altercation with a 90 year old rude man who said we were not allowed to use the public right of way and I got lairy and Tits got steamed up and he looked as if he were to have a cardiac arrest and then I told him I owned horses ( I don't) because he said the horses would kick us to death ... I said we would kick him .. It was all very testy...
Went home ( after long muddy walk where Marley swam in cow poo and Pepé face planted into a massive cow pat) and I made scones,hazelnut and chocolate cookies and fairy cakes as we have Loveland and Amelia visiting ... Boiled egg is working and can't come hurrahhh ... Haaaaaaaa.
Lucy and Eve went to DDLCs for trick or treating and I went for dinner with Mum and Uncle bob x
PS.. Blip is Lucy and Eve did her make up x
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