Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

No Halloween in our house

195 723 traffic incidents
23 039 seriously injured
1 754 fatalities
25% due to excessive speed

These are the national traffic accident statistics for the UK for 2012. To be honest, they are much better than I expected. I spent the morning at the driver awareness course as a result of receiving a speeding ticket - 59km in a 50km zone on the M25 where there is road works with average speed cameras - for those of you who think these cameras do not work, well they do! I left home at 7.15am to get there in time and the course was more interesting than I expected but I did spend most of the morning yawning and trying to stay awake after a bad night's sleep.

After the course I picked up Adam and we went to Kingston as he has no winter clothing (he has outgrown most of his wardrobe since last winter). We bought a few things and then went to Carphone Warehouse as his phone contract has expired and he wanted to upgrade his phone. He got a deal whereby they upgraded his phone and gave him £50 back!! Except he never got his phone as their system crashed and the upgrade would not go through. Two hours later, after waiting in the store and then going off for a cup of tea and coming back, it still was not working. So I have to go back tomorrow...Aaargh!

This was the only photo I took today. And shortly after I took it the security staff came up to me asked me to go to the managers office to get permission to take a photo. I was in no mood to be frog marched off by security staff so I said I would not take any more photos and walked off.

It has been a frustrating day and I am now very tired and still have some ironing to face...

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