In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

My god

At this time of the year, when ghosts and ghouls and superheroes(?) come to haunt us, it may be appropriate to mention religion.
As you may be aware I hold no truck with any kind of organised or disorganised religion.
Religion has caused so many problems over the centuries. And don't give me that, " It's not religion that causes problems, it's people." That same argument that is used by done with guns.
Everything is controlled by Mother Nature. Sure people die in Hurricanes, earthquakes etc, all indiscriminately, no thought nor reason, or pretend reason as man perpetrates their wanton slaughter.
This image today hangs on our back garden wall. He is The Green Man, representing nature.
Actually this could all just be an excuse to bring to your attention this song by Boy George, somebody I would not normally listen to, musically. But this tune is a cracker I think.
Happy Halloween.

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