
By Houseonahill6

When October goes

The end of another month with the nights drawing in, sun rising later and the leaves falling from the trees. Although I think autumn is later this year and it is still reasonably warm. Not sure when the temperatures will start to drop but it will feel strange watching fireworks and not being frozen to the bone.
It's not very often that we see both pheasants in the garden but it was nice to see Dinner and Ken together. They finish off the seeds that have been dropped from the feeder. As you can see the photo was taken through the window with the raindrops, been showery most of the day. The vole and the mouse, but there is probably more than one, are still busy dashing to and fro.

Tonight children in Scotland will be out 'guising' . The children do dress up in disguise, cats, witches etc but perform a poem, song or joke in reward of sweets, fruit or money. The Brownies were already with their poems and riddles etc. One of the jokes was this one :

What do you get if you cross a snowman with a vampire?

Frost bite !

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