
By Charlie17


When I was young, I had never heard of Trick or Treating. It was called Guizing. We would dress up as whatever and go from door to door hoping to get some sweets or even money.
Everything seems kind of different nowadays and I suspect commercialism is the cause. You can hardly move in supermarkets etc for various Halloween goodies from harmless pumpkins to some totally horrific items.
So it goes!!
I have no idea when, or why, I bought this wig. When I produced it, Lucy was all for attacking it while Joe showed a mild interest. It was only on his head ( not tied on) for about two minutes and he seemed to be totally unbothered about it as long as treats were forthcoming.
In one way, I hope it is a fine evening for all these excited youngsters.
On the other hand, if the weather is unpleasant, we won't be bothered by bells ringing, doors being knocked, and most importantly the three dogs barking furiously at every sound.
I'm really quite a noisy person but for tonight, perhaps this.

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