
By Shutterup

Back to black..

Today was going to be a full day at the bindery... but luckily my Aga man could get to me this afternoon to take a look and fix it, so instead it was just a mornings work for me. The 'fix' took a lot of hoovering and chimney sweeping as the whole thing had sooted up inside and had in fact overheated and tripped a switch so that the oil stopped flowing to the burner.. at least that bit works!!!
The good news is that he relit the burner and it is warming up again slowly the bad news.. the kitchen has lots of little floaty sooty smuts flying round it. The once white dog has black stains where she sits on the smuts or where she poked her nose too close to the hoover pipe that had just been up the chimney!!

So it was a late walk after the sun had gone down and it seemed apt to have a black and white photo for today to represent white paper (the morning) and black kitchen (the afternoon) and the dog!!!

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