After farewelling Mr B (until Friday), a fairly relaxed repack, leaving the hotel, wander through the airport, breakfast and play for CarbBoy with some French kids; then off to get on the plane. Some issues with storing our massively oversized luggage, but the other passengers and stewards were charm itself and we were soon strapped in and off on the unreasonably long drive to the runway (which I think must actually be in Belgium).
TallGirl had taken her travel sickness pill and seemed reasonably calm about the terrors about to unleash themselves as we were hurled into the air in a small metal tube... CarbBoy was delighted to be trusted to sit in a separate row (seats go two by two on these little KLM planes and it seemed right that I be with the terrified and potentially vomiting child regardless of age) and, apart from badgering the steward (politely) for excessive amounts of coca cola, was impeccably behaved. TallGirl was apprehensive but fine. The turbulence was minor and she didn't feel sick. Hurrah.
Back then to a thankfully working car, and on through the blue skies and red soil country to find our house in one piece (or, at least, in the same number of pieces we left it in). TallGirl went straight to 'rescue' her fish, which had only been nearly eaten by the cat once; then they were both keen to get their bikes pimped up with the Amsterdam purchases before racing outside to run and ride off their cooped-up-on-a-plane energy.
Meanwhile I investigated the fridge, made a shopping list and reacquainted myself with the garden. This pineapple sage has burst into flower since we've been away and it was odd, given all the rain up north, to see that all the pots needed a good soak to revive some rather limp looking plants.
After shopping, some time to look through the 500 odd photos I took in Amsterdam. Somehow, it doesn't seem enough! Great place - we've made lots of fine memories up there and, though it was exhausting being the kids' constant source of amusement, answers and mediation services, it did give us some great time together. I have new respect for their knowledge and capabilities (apart from road crossing - they're rubbish at that).
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