Beacon Mill

Well, I've had a very active day today - I went to Zumba this morning and planned to have an afternoon at home getting ready for our visitors who are arriving on Friday, but I received a text from one of the girls I met at the walking group, asking me if I fancied going roller blading with her. We'd talked about it after the walk last week, and I said I'd love to go with her, but whilst I've got skates, I've only done it a couple of times and that was a few years ago.

We arranged to meet at the Marina an hour later, and I reminded her not to expect much from me, but I surprised myself! I started slowly so I could get my balance and get used the skates again, but very quickly I got into a rhythm and we skated for two miles along the undercliff walk to Rottingdean where we turned round and headed back to the Marina. Fortunately the undercliff walk is very flat so it's perfect, and we did 4 miles in total, without falling once! I really enjoyed it, it's great fun and really good exercise so I'll be going again - I'm not sure if I'll be able to move tomorrow though!

Then when I got back, I had to take Louis out for his walk so now it's time for a shower, prepare the dinner and then sit down, although I might not get up again.

As for my blip this is Beacon Mill at Rottingdean which I blipped from the road when we first moved here. I've been meaning to walk up to it for a closer look and as the sun was shining, I decided to go on my way back from the gym. The weather forecast isn't great after today so it might be a while before we see a blue sky again!

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