West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Rocket Rescuer Ronnie

I am sorry for the very late entry of yesterdays shot, I was very tired when I cam in from uni and by the time I remembered to get my blip sorted out I realised I had left the camera in the car and was not inclined to go back out into the cold to retrieve it so it had to wait until this morning.

Here is Ronnie, I caught him in a quiet moment having a coffee and a doughnut... I thought ot was only the police that ate doughnuts!!!! Joking aside Ronnie is one of the Scottish Ambulance Service Paramedics Response Units (PRU). His BMW R1200 motorcycle is equipped with all of the lifesaving equipment he could need as a first respondent. He explained how he loved the variety of the work and people he encountered but expressed dismay at the number 0f young drunk, offensive predominantly girls who were abusive after a night out. A sad indictment of the young I suspect. It must be frustrating that Ronnie and his colleagues are called to drunkenness and possibly geographically off station from other emergencies where the casualty is genuinely in distress and not poisoned by the amount of chemicals they have inflicted on their own body.

I like the bikes and to spend a few minutes talking to Ronnie about them was a nice distraction from my daily grind. I hope in the nicest possible way I never need to meet Ronnie in a professional capacity but it is comforting to know that he and his colleagues are there for everyone of us; for we never know the minute!!!

Enjoy the shot, its really just a snap of the city life but I like the candid natures, the shadows of the brake discs on the pavement but most of all I enjoyed 5 minutes conversation with a gentleman happy to chat with a random blipper

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