The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Home is where the foxies are ..

So I packed our things and mum and I headed back home.

It was lovely (for me!) to have a long weekend without mum worries, but my poor sister had a lot to deal with as mum was very unsettled at night and wandering and moving stuff around. And a carpet may need professional cleaning - don't ask ..

The journey home was fine - with no need for the ever handy pink bucket - hoorah!

As soon as we got home I made mum a snack, then went out to call the foxes and two of them turned up for dried sausages ..

When I went out in the evening Marcus the roe deer was in the garden (I *really* hoped he'd have found his way out by now) and six foxes came scampering across the lawn - and there was a seventh one in the background.

I've started feeding them nearer the house so I can photograph them by security light, without having to use the flash .. it's quite successful. I'll use a different lens next time so I can fit more foxes in the shot!

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