
By Doingok

Night Turning to Day

According to, one of the definitions of the word Union is the act of uniting two or more things. When I took Myles out at 7:15 this morning, I saw the moon ahead(south) and to my left (east) the sun rising. Troubles over for today on the DDWOctober2013 challenge word. Night ending, day beginning, union of the two. For the first time in several days, we have full sun and it is cold, first hard frost, 23F (-5C), but glorious sun all day!

Could definitely use some rain but I think that is on the way as the temperatures rise tomorrow.

Come close to me,
I will whisper in your ear

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes
around in another form.

For there is so much More to this life
Than you now understand

Observe the wonders as they occur around you
Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry
moving through, and be silent

For the Truth has been Divinely Conceived
Deeply within each of us

Each of us touches one place
and understands the whole in that way

This Union you want with the earth and sky
This Union we all need with love

Stay here quivering like a drop of mercury

this poem never existed and yet it was written by two poets
a century apart. They are the words of Rumi and Hafiz, as translated
by Coleman Barks and Daniel Ladinsky respectively. Each verse is excerpted from a different poem starting with Hafiz and followed with Rumi. This pattern repeats throughout.

Hafiz – Turn Left A Thousand Feet From Here
Rumi – Unmarked Boxes
Hafiz - I Will Hire You As A Minstrel
Rumi - Body Intelligence
Hafiz - Of Course Things Like That Can’t Happen
Rumi - Elephant in the Dark
Hafiz - This Union
Rumi - The Waterwheel

A union of two poets to create one.

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