Strike that. Reverse it!


Monday, Monday! good to me;
Monday morning, it was all I hoped it would be.

Today's earworm by mamas and papas :)

Feeling utterly lousy today. Film
Last night was great, but head, ears throat not so good today. Works been ok. Dragged a bit this afternoon. Had a very lovely lunch with a good friend so wasn't a bad day.

Forgot to take any camera with me today, what's happening to me!?!?! Forgetting a camera for the third day running. As I walked back to the car tonight I noticed how different the sky looked. The clocks going back has made a big difference. So I decided to blip this view. Must remember my camera tomorrow.

Off to bed very early tonight in the hope of quashing this poorliness. Hope you've all had a good day xxx

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