the colour green

By jukeys

every cloud has a silver lining

Nipped over to Sablet with Annie this morning to check all was well and called in with my sister on the way home. Pierre and Daniel were helping Paddy over in Les Pilles. We showed the "bad" mushrooms to Elizabeth who had loved hearing from Annie about all the different types of mushrooms the previous day.

We were meant to be going to mum's for Sunday lunch but she wasn't well :(

Pierre's dad said he'd take us for something to eat instead, so, of course, where did we go? That's right, La Charrette Bleue.

For starters, Pierre and his mum had oeuf cocotte, I had chicken with a Thai salad, and Daniel had terrine de chevreuil (or venison in English).

Everyone but me had gigot of lamb for main course, and I had cod in a bouillabaisse sauce with rouille.

Annie and Pierre had cheese for afters, where Daniel and I had dessert: he plumped for ile flottante and I had pear and frangipane tart. Delicious!

Home for a siesta and then we had the mushrooms that evening. I spent the rest of the night worrying about getting sick! haha. Pierre reassured me by telling me his parents have been picking mushrooms for 30 years!

They left at around 9.30pm for the drive back to Marseille. Luckily, Pierre didn't have to leave until the next morning. We had a nice rest of our evening just chatting and looking forward to what's to come.

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